In business since 1987
A co-op known for its quality outdoor gear, REI also offers clients the
chance to put their purchases to use on 140 active trips. Dozens of
weekend getaways in the U.S. (Yosemite snowshoe-trekking, exploring
North Carolina's barrier islands) are offered along with longer trips
to the world's lesser known corners (biking and hiking through Laos and
Cambodia, kayaking in Nicaragua).
One of the best parts of travel often is who you meet along the journey. With an REI Adventures trip, you have a head start because you're traveling with REI members who more than likely share your values and your passion to explore the outdoors and the world around you. Not only will you make meaningful connections with local people across the globe, you might very well be traveling with friends you'll want to keep for life.
From seasoned adventurers to first-time
explorers, from couples to families, REI Adventures travelers are as
varied as our trips. Here's what a few of your fellow REI members have
to say about their travels with us.
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Arctic Cruise: The North Pole![]() |
![]() Arctic Cruise: The North Pole
Helsinki airport, Finland
15 Days from $22,790* per person
Provider: REI Adventures The ultimate goal for the most ambitious explorer. The top of the world. For centuries, adventurers and explorers tried to get here by sled, ship, aircraft, dogs and balloons. The harsh realities of the Arctic climate defeated every single one of them until as recently as 1948. Even today, reaching the North Pole is a difficult and challenging journey. Only a select few make it each year. Here is a chance to add your name to the short list of… more |
Tasmania: Bay Of Fires Walk![]() |
![]() Tasmania: Bay Of Fires Walk
Launceston Airport, Evandale Road, Western Junction, Tasmania, Australia
4 Days from $2,365* per person
Provider: REI Adventures Tasmania, Australia's smallest and only island state, is a place of great contrasts. From wild ocean beaches and lush rainforests to rugged mountains and delicate alpine moorlands, Tasmania is rich in history and beauty. At the edge of Mt. William National Park, the magnificent wilderness coastline known as the Bay of Fires, REI Adventures and Cradle Mountain Huts invite you to experience a Tasmanian hiking tour with dramatic landscape, and a rich ecosystem abundant with wildlife. Led by knowledgeable, local… more |
Everest Lodge To Lodge Trek![]() |
![]() Everest Lodge To Lodge Trek
Kathmandu airport, Nepal
14 Days from $3,000* per person
Provider: REI Adventures The incomparable beauty of the Himalayas has long beckoned the world's adventurers to Nepal, and with over 25 years experience operating outstanding treks in the region, REI now offers a new way to experience the magic of Everest. Our lodge to lodge trekking route combines simple but comfortable accommodations with great hiking and must-see sites such as magnificent Tengboche Monastery and bustling Namche Bazaar while still allowing enough time to venture off the beaten path in favor of more intimate,… more |
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