Girls' Night Out (trip)

Girls' Night Out

  • Active & Adventure

from $199* per person2 DaysYear-round
Comfort accommodations Exertion level: 3
Operator: Nature Quest Adventures 12 people max
Ladies, gather up your friends, and get away to the mountains. We?ll have a secluded cottage with an outdoor redwood spa (in season) all ready for you and included is a bagel and muffin tray for all of your breakfast needs. This weekend is about relaxing and spending time with your pals – so come with us on a one to two hour professionally guided hike and learn more about the eco-systems that make this area so special. If you prefer not to hike, come on leisurely horse drawn wagon ride into the Pine Creek Gorge (also known as the PA Grand Canyon). Then head downtown and enjoy dinner in one of our fine restaurants. Wrap up your weekend with a fiber arts lesson with a local artisan. You’ll have a great time crafting a project and learning a new skill – all materials and instruction are provided and you’ll have a completed project that you’ll be able to take home!

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