Two Days In Rome (trip)

Two Days In Rome

  • Rome, Italy
  • Active & Adventure
Italy, Europe

from €680* per person2 DaysYear-round
Comfort accommodations Exertion level: 3
Operator: When In Rome Tours - Vatican Tours 24 people max
Once your booking is received, you will receive an automatic email from our website. Within the next 24 hours, a second and more detailed confirmation will be sent to you. There is a strict dress code at the Vatican. Shoulders and knees must be covered for both women and men. Capri pants are permitted, as long as knees are well covered. Sandals are considered appropriate. This part of the tour is conducted as a walking tour, as no vehicles are allowed inside the Vatican. As a significant amount of walking is required, in the event of physical disabilities, we ask that you contact us before booking so that we can assess whether or not a wheelchair is needed.

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Special information

  • This is a custom departure, meaning this trip is offered on dates that you arrange privately with the provider. Additionally, you need to form your own private group for this trip. The itinerary and price here is just a sample. Contact the provider for detailed pricing, minimum group size, and scheduling information. For most providers, the larger the group you are traveling with, the lower the per-person cost will be.


 Day 1: Vatican City Tour (4 hours)

** 09:00 AM suggested start time: Your guide will meet you at your hotel (provided you are staying in central Rome, alternatively an on-site meeting point can be arranged) and arrange for transfer by taxi to Vatican City. We then begin the tour with a visit to the Vatican Museums. Once inside, we take in the major galleries such as the Belvedere Courtyard which houses the ancient and classical pieces that so many artists took their inspiration from as well as the Room of the Muses, Round Room, Greek Cross Room, Gallery of Tapestries, Gallery of Maps and of course the magnificent Rooms of Raphael before culminating our visit in the awe-inspiring Sistine Chapel. Before entering the chapel, you will hear all about Michelangelo and his struggles in accepting and completing the work that soon became what is arguably the single most recognized piece of art in the world.

We then head to St Peter's piazza and cover the history of the Vatican City State before entering the Basilica. Here we cover the main monuments such as Michelangelo's beautiful Pieta' and Dome, the Baldacchino and other works by Bernini and the Transfiguration by Raphael. Included also are the Crypt of St Peter, the Holy Altar and other monuments of artistic importance. We will end outside on the portico to talk about the Piazza created by Bernini as well as the Obelisk and the Swiss Guards.

 Day 2: Colosseum, Ancient City Centre (4 hours)

** 14:00 PM suggested start time: Your guide will meet you at your hotel (provided you are staying in central Rome, alternatively an on-site meeting point can be arranged) and arrange for transfer by taxi to Rome's Ancient City. We begin the tour with one of Ancient Rome's greatest engineering accomplishments, the Colosseum. Once inside we will wander across the arena floor and hear the history of the bloody and violent games that took place here, learn about the making of a gladiator, and you will be given a good understanding of what these games meant to the ancient Romans. We then change gears and head up the Via Sacra to enter the Roman Forum and talk about the more civilized side of ancient Rome and the beautiful architecture that has inspired so many architects today. We cover all the main basilicas and temples and of course dedicate much of this segment to a discussion on Julius Caesar and his role in ancient Roman history. We will also explain how the Roman Empire became such a super power and why it eventually collapsed.

We then visit the Capitoline Hill, locally known as the Campidoglio. This piazza was designed by Michelangelo and offers a stunning view of Piazza Venezia - the site of the Victor Emmanuelle II monument and Mussolini's Palazzo. From there, a lovely stroll takes us to Piazza Navona to see the Fountain of the Four Rivers by Bernini and the Church of St Agnes in Agony by Borromini. You will come to understand the rivalry between these two great artists, a unique and often bitter rivalry made evident in their work to the keen eyed. From there we make haste to the beautiful Trevi Fountain, where we discover the importance of water and fountains in ancient Rome. You'll have time enough to toss your coins into the Trevi and perhaps have a gelato. Last but certainly not least, we visit the spectacular Pantheon, a pagan temple which is of course a Catholic Church today. We discuss the construct of the dome and oculus inside this architectural masterpiece, which has stood intact for almost 1,900 years.

Should you wish to exclude some sites and include others, you are welcome to do so. We can allocate a guide to meet your specific tour requirements. By using the above itinerary, you will cover all the major sites and piazzas that most people wish to see in Rome. This will be achieved with a depth of information.

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