Vatican City (trip)

Vatican City

  • Vatican City, Italy
  • Active & Adventure
Italy, Europe

from €315* per person4 HoursYear-round
Comfort accommodations Exertion level: 3
Operator: When In Rome Tours - Vatican Tours 24 people max
Experience the splendor of the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter's Basilica with a private Vatican Guide. Get the insider view on the Vatican, and distinguish between myth and historical facts during a VIP tour through the finest museum in the world.

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Italy, Europe

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Special information

  • This is a custom departure, meaning this trip is offered on dates that you arrange privately with the provider. Additionally, you need to form your own private group for this trip. The itinerary and price here is just a sample. Contact the provider for detailed pricing, minimum group size, and scheduling information. For most providers, the larger the group you are traveling with, the lower the per-person cost will be.


We would begin the tour with a visit to the Vatican Museums. Once inside, you will be guided through the major galleries such as the Belvedere Courtyard which houses the ancient and classical pieces that so many artists took their inspiration from as well as  the Room of the Muses, Gallery of Maps and of course the magnificent Rooms of Raphael before culminating our visit in the Sistine Chapel itself. Before entering the chapel, you will hear all about Michelangelo and his struggles in accepting and completing the work that soon became the single most recognized piece of art in the world.

From the Sistine Chapel we use the preferred exit directly into St. Peter's Basilica, where we cover the main monuments such as Michelangelo's beautiful Pieta' and Dome, the Baldacchino and other works by Bernini and the Transfiguration by Raphael. Included also are the Crypt of St Peter, the Holy Altar and other monuments of artistic importance. We will end outside on the portico to talk about the Piazza created by Bernini as well as the Swiss Guards and the history of the Vatican City State.

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