from $3,197* per person | 13 Days | Year-round |
Comfort accommodations | Exertion level: 3 | |
Operator: Colombia Eco Travel | 8 people max |
13 Days / 12 Nights – All Inclusive
With one of the highest diversity quotients on the planet, the geography of the Choco region and the huge Cauca river valley are the perfect destination for an unforgettable birding trip in Colombia.
Mixed flocks of tanagers, many of them endemic, and the continual sound of Wood-Quails fills this tropical paradise. Orchids, Bromelias and Heliconias are a wonderful addition to the display of color in the Choco Colombian jungles. Crystal clear rivers, lush forests and the pacific moist breeze all make this tour an eco lover’s dream.
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Colombia, South America
Day 1
Arrive in Bogota. Night in a hotel in Bogotá.
Day 2
Early in the morning, departure to Bahia Solano on a flight from Bogotá. We will take the speed boat to Bahia Solano will arrive by noon. You will see birds around the hotel in the afternoon.
Night at Eco Lodge
Day 3
Day 6. We will take a flight early in the morning to Bogotá, after we will take other airplane to Pereira and we will fly during 3 hours and a half to the Natural Reserve Cerro Montezuma in the Tatama National Park. The Chocó high lands with an amazing biodiversity. Night at Cerro Montezuma- Natural Reserve.
Birding on the road between El Valle and Bahia Solano every day. A fantastic birding time inside the Choco landscapes. Some important birds in this area are: Great Curassow; Plumbeous Hawk; Dusky Pigeon; Great Green Macaw; Cinnamon Woodpecker; the poorly known Sooty-capped Puffbird (almost endemic); Chocó Toucan; Yellow-eared Toucanet; Northern Barred-Woodcreeper; Black-striped Woodcreeper; Immaculate Antbird; Stub-tailed Antbird; Chestnut-backed Antbird and Dull-mantled Antbird; Black-headed Antthrush; Thicket Antpitta; and Streak-chested Antpitta.
Night at Eco Lodge
Day 4
Birding in the Refugio de Fauna y Flora del Valle, an excellent but long walk inside the exuberant forest with many interesting birds. Some of them are: Berlepsch’s Tinamou (almost endemic), Five-colored Barbet; Spot-crowned Barbet; Red-capped and Blue-crowned manakin, and army-ant following antbirds such as Ocellated, Spotted and Bicolored antbirds. From a nearby canopy tree platform we may be able to see Rose-faced and Saffron-headed parrot; Black-breasted and Pied puffbird; Slaty Gnatcatcher; Plain-colored Tanager; Rufous-winged Tanager; Blue-whiskered Tanager; Lemon-browed Tanager; Tawny-crested Tanager; Scarlet-browed Tanager and Scarlet-and-white Tanager among others.
Night at Eco Lodge
Day 5
We will go to the fantastic Utria National Park in a private boat where we will be able to see birds inside the mangroves and on the beach. There, we will search for birds difficult to see.
Night at Eco Lodge
Day 6
We will take a flight early in the morning to Bogotá, then another flight to Pereira and continue with a final flight to the Natural Reserve Cerro Montezuma in the Tatama National Park. The Chocó highlands home of amazing biodiversity.
Night at Cerro Montezuma- Natural Reserve.
Day 7 & 8
We will see birds in different routes between 1500 and 2200 meters above sea level. Some endemics and other specific Chocó species are : Black-and-gold Tanager, Gold-ringed Tanager, Golden-chested Tanager, Munchique Wood- Wren, Chocó Vireo, Chestnut Wood-Quail (endemic); Sickle-winged Guan; Blue-fronted Parrotlet; Western Emerald; Brown Inca; White-tailed Hillstar; Empress Brilliant; Greenish Puffleg; Long-tailed Sylph; Purple-throated Woodstar; Crested and Golden-headed Quetzal; White-faced Nunbird (scarce); Black-billed Mountain-Toucan; Fulvous-dotted Treerunner; Lineated Foliage-gleaner; Uniform Treehunter; Streak-capped Treehunter; Bicolored Antvireo; Spillman’s Tapaculo; Green-and-black Fruiteater; Orange-breasted Fruiteater; Golden-breasted Fruiteater; Scaled Fruiteater; Rufous- headed Pygmy-Tyrant; Bronze-olive Pygmy-Tyrant; Olivaceous Piha; Club-winged Manakin; Beautiful Jay; Black Solitaire; Glistening-green Tanager; Multicolored Tanager; Indigo Flowerpiercer; Golden Tanager; Saffron-crowned Tanager; Golden-naped Tanager; Black-capped Tanager; Beryl-spangled Tanager; Flame-faced Tanager; Rufous-throated Tanager; Black-chinned Mountain-Tanager; Dusky Bush-Tanager; Crested Ant-Tanager (endemic); Tricolored Brush-Finch; Black-winged Saltator; and Chestnut-breasted Chlorophonia.
Day 9
Leaving early in the morning to El Queremal, approximately a seven hour trip. This is a small village in the ancient Buenaventura road where we will stay in a small but nice local hotel. There, we will have lunch and in the afternoon we will see birds close to the hotel.
Night in El Queremal.
Day 10 & 11
Leaving early in the morning to El Danubio village (low and high area) to begin our birding time. We will walk on an ancient road where it is possible to see the rich diversity of tropical birds. Some interesting birds for seeing in this area are: Scaled Pigeon, Blue-headed and Mealy Parrot, Streak Antwren, Jet, Chestnut-backed and Immaculate Antbird, Fulvous-bellied Antpitta, White-ringed Flycatcher, Bay Wren, Scarlet-rumped Cacique, Purple Honeycreeper, Scarlet- browned, Dusky-faced and Tawny-crowned Tanager, Barred Hawk, Beautiful Parrot, White-whiskered Hermit, Empress Brilliant, Blue-tailed Trogon, Brown-billed Scythebill, Long-tailed Tyrant, Lemon- browned Flycatcher,Slaty-cappedShirke-Vireo,Scarlet-thighedDacnis,Yellow-collared Chlorophonia, Rufous-throated, Gray and gold, Golden-chested, Ochre-breasted and Scarlet and white Tanagers, Long-wattled Umbrellabird, Semiplumbeous Hawk, Choco and Chestnut-mandible Toucan, Pied Puffbird, Blue Cotinga, White Cotinga, Slate-throated Gnatcatcher, Blue-whiskered Tanager, Saffron-headed Parrot, Five-colored Barbet and many more. In the afternoon of the 11th day, we will go to KM 18 a great place where Steven Hilty (Author of: Guide the Birds of Colombia) made his observations.
We will stay in a nice hotel in the KM 18 area.
Day 12
Birding time in the morning at the famous KM18, where we can to see: Buff tailed Coronet, Greenish Puffleg, several Foliage-gleaners, Streak-capped Treehunter, Green and black Fruiteater, Handsome Flycatcher, Russet-crowned Warbler, Multicolored (endemic), Saffron-crowned, Metallic-green, Golden-naped and Beryl-spangled Tanager, Chestnut-crowned Antpitta and Chestnut-breasted Wren and many more. We will have lunch in a fantastic restaurant with many humming-bird feeders and bananas.We will finish the day and our trip in a beautiful Hotel in Cali and we will take the dinner in the hotel.
Night in Cali
Day 13
International flight home from Alfonso Bonilla Aragon International Airport
Guides, drivers and cooks
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