Epic Zambezi Trek & Paddle |
Epic Zambezi Trek & Paddle
Johannesburg Airport, South Africa
9 Days Contact provider for price
Provider: Epic Private Journeys Enter adrenalin central as you trek and paddle the lower reaches of the mightly Zambezi River. Big game encounters will be the order of the day. more |
Epic Foot Safari - Botswana |
Epic Foot Safari - Botswana
Johannesburg Airport, South Africa
10 Days Contact provider for price
Provider: Epic Private Journeys This is the ultimate African walking challenge. There is no foot safari that comes close to this for endurance, adrenalin and adventure.This is a walking safari of epic proportionsas you traverse the densest elephantcountry in the world. You will bridge, onfoot, the Okavango and Linyanti swamps ofBotswana’s north west. more |
Kimberley Encounter![]() |
![]() Kimberley Encounter
Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia
9 Days Contact provider for price
Provider: Epic Private Journeys Discover the heartbeat of theremote Kimberley region.Experience the vivid coloursof the broad vistas, expansiveskies and pioneering charactersof the outback.Explore the north-western region of Australiavia plane, boat, helicopter and on foot – seefor yourself the country that inspired BazLuhrmann to shoot his epic fi lm ‘Australia’. more |
Trekking For Snow Leopards![]() |
![]() Trekking For Snow Leopards
Delhi airport, IGI Airport T3 Road, New Delhi, Delhi, India
12 Days Contact provider for price
Provider: Epic Private Journeys This is a journey without peer. Search for the elusive snow leopard on this intense epic Himalayan expedition, with the world's foremost authority as your guide.It doesn’t come more unique than this; a highaltitude trek reaching nearly 5,500 m (18,000ft) in the legendary Himalaya. The objective:The most elusive big cat on the planet - themystical snow leopard. This winter expeditionthrough the stunning trans-Himalayan regionof Ladakh meets the elements head-on.Through this inspiring landscape you will belead by Dr Raghu Chundawat, one… more |
Ascend Cerro Aconcagua![]() |
![]() Ascend Cerro Aconcagua
Mendoza Airport, Mendoza, Argentina
19 Days Contact provider for price
Provider: Epic Private Journeys Known as “The Sentinel ofStone”, Aconcagua is thehighest peak outside theHimalayan region anddeserves its place amongstthe Seven Summits.This climb requires signifi cant training andpreparation, both physical and mental. Epicis with you every step, providing customisedfi tness and nutrition plans, and monitoringyour progress to ensure that each groupmember is focused and equipped for thechallenge. more |
Chile Glacial Trek & Kayak![]() |
![]() Chile Glacial Trek & Kayak
Santiago Airport, Chile
10 Days Contact provider for price
Provider: Epic Private Journeys This trip provides the full experience of the Patagonian Andes: Trek the magnifient Torres del Paine National Park before kayakaing the ice carved fjords - face-to-face with majestic ice formations. more |
Mount Whitney Ascent![]() |
![]() Mount Whitney Ascent
Lone Pine Airport, California, United States
7 Days Contact provider for price
Provider: Epic Private Journeys Partake in a short scenic climb to summit the tallest mountain in the continental Unites States. This is a great precursor to higher climbs, such as Kilimanjaro.This Mount Whitney adventure is a fi ve dayhike through the Sequoia National Parkreaching the summit of Mt Whitney from thelesser frequented western route.This is a wonderful introduction to aspectacular wilderness area and America’shighest peak in the lower forty-eight. Theraw natural beauty of the region showcasesthe granite batholiths of the Sierra Nevadaarea. more |
Canyoneering In Arizona![]() |
![]() Canyoneering In Arizona
Page Airport, Page, Arizona, United States
3 Days Contact provider for price
Provider: Epic Private Journeys This multi-sport canyoneering adventure consists of three action-packed days rappelling into on e of the Grand Canyon's mighty tributaries. No experience is necessary!Your three day adventure takes you rappellinginto the remote canyons of northern Arizonaand paddling the serene waters of theColorado River, through Marble Canyon. more |
The Kokoda Trail![]() |
![]() The Kokoda Trail
Port Moresby Airport, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
10 Days Contact provider for price
Provider: Epic Private Journeys Rated as one of the top tentreks in the world, the Kokodain Papua New Guinea holdsa signifi cant place in WWIIhistory and spans 96 km (60miles) through rugged jungleand local villages.This infamous track spans 96 km (60 miles)and provides a constant backdrop of pristinerainforest, breathtaking views and a tasteof life in local villages. The track stretchesthrough some of the most rugged and wildjungle on earth.Trekking Kokoda is a soul searching trekacross the Owen Stanley Range, traversingthe incredible beauty of Papua… more |